Year 6

Covid-19 Donation Year


oneRoof Youth Services (top left), Marillac Place (top right), House of Friendship (bottom left), Bridges Shelter (bottom right)

Donation Growth

This year A Brief Moment faced another Covid 19 impacted donation year. However, we did not let this discourage our efforts to cover some butts in 2021! This year we received 418 pairs of underwear!

We are so grateful for our community coming together to support our local initiative. The donations we received allowed us to continue to support 4 of our local shelters in Waterloo region.

Community Partners

This year we were not able to connect with our usual or new local businesses or organizations. However, we were very honored to have local neighbours with creative talents contribute to our Raffle Baskets.


We wanted to acknowledge the wonderful work that is done by one of our original donation recipients, Argus Residence for Young People, to transform from being an emergency shelter to a community residence for youth in our neighbourhoods. It is terrific news when and organization can adjust their practices to help provide supportive housing to youth who need it.

This has provided A Brief Moment the opportunity to focus on meeting the needs of those most vulnerable by donating to oneRoof Youth services this year, as they are now the only youth emergency shelter in the region.

Screenshot from Instagram Live video announcing this year’s winners!

If you have ever wondered what 418 pairs of underwear looks like. It looks like 4 stacked reusable bins packed with care, ready for those in need!


Unfortunately due to the pandemic, we were unable to have physical appearances at our regular events and marketplace booths. However, had the circumstances of the year not occurred we would have been approved to be there.


We were happy to continue our seasonal raffle baskets to drive donations this A Brief Moment season.